135 Paseo Del Prado, Suite 58
Edinburg, TX 78539
Seguin High School Modernization and Replacement
Seguin ISD
Seguin ISD
Seguin ISD
Sq. Ft.
ERO designed Seguin High School for the Board and community's vision of a 21st Century facility for now and well into the future, resulting in one of the largest high schools in Texas at 420,774 gsf. ERO used integrated and innovative strategies for programming space that incorporates educational opportunities for all students. The school has flexible and multi-purpose spaces anticipating enrollment growth and continually changing education delivery while offering open spaces and modern amenities creating an inspiring environment for teaching and learning.
The Board sought an intimate, memorable high school experience for each of its students. The initial capacity of the new facility is 2,450 students and offers an early college high school, career and technology, and fine arts education. Facilities include a new 900-seat Performing Arts Center, a new 1,428-seat gymnasium, a renovated gymnasium and other 5-A-compliant athletic fields and facilities.
Modernization of the existing 9th-grade campus (74,970 gsf), band hall, weight room and West Gym, and demolition and new construction (345,804 gsf) in and around an active campus increased complexity of the project. Students were in temporary classrooms as renovations and construction of Phase I occurred. Students, then moved from temporary classroom space into the new areas, making room for additional construction and specialized buildings for athletic facilities and performing arts.
Seguin High School is a consummate 21st Century facility. Color, full-spectrum lighting, movable walls and furniture and choice for education delivery all contribute to an enriching environment. The multi-purpose rooms increase the space utilization ratio to higher than average resulting in cost economies. All administration and student services are collocated and the first floor cafeteria spreads from indoors to outdoors creating a commons area. All junior and senior academic spaces are located on the third and fourth floors of the main building and are encased in glass increasing natural lighting and a view of the entire campus. Cultural references from the former campus are included into the new facilities such as the Matador logo from the original wooden gymnasium floor is installed on the new gymnasium wall.
Project Videos
Touring the NEW Seguin High School
MatCast went on the construction sight to get a first hand look at the new Seguin High...
Seguin Construction Progress Aerial Video 2
Take flight over Seguin High School as it reaches 55% completion
Seguin Construction Progress Aerial Video 1
Take flight over Seguin High School as it reaches 35% completion